TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) serves to demonstrate that the automotive supplier meets the demanding information security requirements. The TISAX system was created by the German Automotive Industry Association (Verband der Automobilindustrie). It is based on ISO 270xx information security standards, supplemented by specific requirements of the automotive industry. The supplier ’ s implemented information security system shall be verified by an accredited certification authority. Following a successful assessment, the TISAX Label certificate is valid for 3 years.


  • Compliance with TISAX requirements and obligations,
  • maintaining existing customers and creating new business opportunities,
  • reducing the risk of the potential occurrence of unwanted events and consequent time and financial losses,
  • addressing security incidents and increasing the level of information security.

Consulting services

  • Training TISAX requirements,
  • GAP analysis – assessment of compliance with TISAX requirements,
  • support in determining the scope, registration and administration of ENX,
  • consultancy services and completion of the VDA ISA catalogue,
  • contributing to the assessment of compliance with the TISAX requirements.